Organic restaurants
The Organic restaurant -search allows you to easily locate restaurants or catering services offering organic food. As search results you will get the contact info of the organic restaurant, a link to their own web pages, as well as a map view of the area. The restaurant with the most extensive organic foods selection always appears on top of the list provided.
Organic stars
The restaurants and food services in the Organic restaurant -search will get stars when they proceed on a six-step program and increase their usage of organic food. The more organic stars the restaurant has, the more extensive the use of organic products is. You can easily identify the Organic restaurant by the star-logo which can be found in the restaurant that has joined the search service.
Restaurant uses organic products extensively or whenever possible
Restaurant uses organic products in significant quantities and frequently
Restaurant uses some organic products on a regular basis
Did you find what you were looking for?
Every restaurant or catering service in Finland uses organic products at least occasionally. The restaurants or caterers, however, do not always make that known. Every single restaurant offering organic products is not yet taking part in the program and thus does not appear in the search results. Steps to Organic -program is a service intended for professional kitchens, helping restaurants and catering services to increase their organic usage step by step. Program also helps restaurants to inform the use of organic with a reliably. The service already includes about 2,500 cateries.
If your favorite restaurant use organic products, yet isn’t listed on the Organic restaurant -search, drop them a suggestion to join in, so other customers could easily find them.